Tuesday, 6 December 2011

I'm back/Algiers

Hello and welcome back to the laziest blog in the UK,

Gonna kick things off again with a series of reviews and features from bands across the UK or wherever.

I've heard a bunch of great new bands over the year and found my love of discovering new and old music.

So first off lets go for Manchester duo Algiers,

They released their EP “Four Priests” a few months back on the awesome Big Scary Monsters. And be honest its a damn good record. This record is basically hook after hook. Being a duo it could be expected that the recording could be really empty and quite sparse and I don't think that could be further from the truth, the tracks have a clear, honest, direct nature with well controlled dynamics and great use of 2 part harmonies which gives the EP a great full sound. I really love the interplay of grooves between solid drums and riff laden guitars mixing between bashed out chords for big driving choruses. Each listen to this EP makes me want to listen to it again, you should probably check it out at their bandcamp.


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